console.warn && console.warn("[GTM4WP] Google Tag Manager container code placement set to OFF !!!"); console.warn && console.warn("[GTM4WP] Data layer codes are active but GTM container must be loaded using custom coding !!!");

User Agreement


This User Agreement constitutes an Offer containing all essential terms for concluding a contract for the provision of services with the Buyer, placing an order on the website (Nirn Store). The Buyer unconditionally agrees to and accepts the terms of this Public Offer. The Buyer is entitled to use the interactive resources of the website for their intended purpose and to leave reviews.

In this Public Offer, the following terms are used in the following meaning:

  1. Terms and Definitions

1.1. «Customer» – any individual placing an order for «Services» whose information is posted on the «Website,» accepts (agrees to) this public offer (Offer) to conclude a contract for remunerated provision of services.

1.2. «Services» – actions of the Performer carried out in their own name but at the expense of the Customer, aimed at organizing the Customer’s interaction with players for the proper provision of services as specified in the order.

1.3. «Performer» – the website (Daedra Store).

Mailing address:

1.4. «Game» — an interactive online computer game, which is a program for a hardware-software computing device, implemented on electronic components and performing actions specified by the program.

1.5. «Player» — an individual participating in the game.

1.6. «Offer Acceptance» — full and unconditional acceptance of the offer by the Customer through placing an Order on the «Internet site» and paying for it.

1.7. «Internet site» — the Contractor’s Internet site, located under the domain name:

1.8. «Agreement» — the Agreement for the provision of paid services.

1.9. «Service Subject» — in-game items (such as crowns, gold) recognized by the rules of the respective game as an in-game means of payment or other in-game unit of account, representing a measure of various in-game values, progress in the game, etc., in-game weapons, armor, clothing, artifacts, other items, as well as other individually-defined items used in the game, which are presented on the Internet site.

1.10. «Order» — a request placed by the Customer on the Contractor’s Internet site to receive Services, containing information agreed upon by both Parties regarding the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the Service Subject, as well as the timing of their provision. The list of information to be agreed upon by the Parties when placing an Order is determined by section 2 of this Offer. By placing an Order for the provision of Services, information about which is posted on the Internet site, the Customer accepts (accepts) this public offer (Offer) from the Contractor to conclude the Agreement. The offer to conclude the Agreement applies to any Service Subjects throughout the entire period while information about the respective Services is posted on the Internet site.

From the moment the Order for the provision of Services, placed in accordance with the rules posted on the Internet site, is confirmed, an Agreement is concluded between the Parties as follows:

  1. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. The Contractor undertakes to conclude the Agreement in accordance with the current price list and catalogs published on the Internet site and to organize the provision of Services to the Customer. The Customer undertakes to pay for the Services under the terms of this Agreement. The quantity and name of the Services are determined by the Order, placed in accordance with the rules posted on the Internet site.

2.2. All information entered by the Customer on the Contractor’s Internet site (in-game identifier, email) is used exclusively for order delivery, order clarification, or order status updates and will not be shared with third parties.

2.3. The Contractor is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Customer when placing an Order.

  1. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

3.1. The Service Provider is obligated to:

3.1.1. Organize the provision of Services to the Customer according to the accepted Order.

3.2. The Service Provider has the right to:

3.2.1. Withhold the full cost of the Order in the event that the Customer provides incorrect information for the fulfillment of the Order.

3.3. The Customer is obligated to:

3.3.1. Pay the amount of the Order in accordance with the terms of the Order placed by the Customer. The Customer may pay for the ordered Services using one of the payment methods presented on the Internet site.

  1. Additional Conditions

4.1. This Agreement comes into effect from the moment the Service Provider receives the Customer’s Order and remains in force until the Parties have fully fulfilled their obligations under and arising from the Agreement.

4.2. By placing an Order, the Customer certifies that the terms of this Agreement are accepted by them without any objections at the time of its conclusion and correspond to their actual will as the Customer. When placing an Order, the Customer understands the meaning of the terms, words, and expressions used in this Agreement according to their legal definitions and/or the interpretation of the Agreement’s terms in accordance with the law.

4.3. Messages sent from the contact email addresses of the parties are considered documents composed in simple written form and duly signed by the respective party (sender) as an equivalent of a handwritten signature. The parties agree that such documents (messages) will have legal force without any additional confirmations or formalizations (including without their handwritten signing), unless otherwise explicitly stated on the agent’s website or agreed upon by the parties.

  1. Order Fulfillment, Cancellation Conditions, and Refund Policy

5.1. The order fulfillment period is no more than 24 hours from the time of payment.

5.2. The order is considered fulfilled (service provided) after the ordered in-game items/values are sent in the game. Proof of delivery can be a screenshot and/or video recording showing the game interface with the sent in-game values to the specified in-game identifier of the Customer. Providing proof of delivery is not a mandatory service of the Company. The order is considered correctly and fully fulfilled even if such a screenshot was not taken.

5.3. The provided (fulfilled) service is not subject to cancellation or refund. If, for any reason, the Contractor cannot fulfill the order within 24 hours, the Customer has the right to request a full refund of the paid amount.

5.4. The Parties are released from their obligations under this Agreement due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances.

5.5. If the Service cannot be provided due to the absence of the item in the store (or for any other reason), the Contractor undertakes to return the paid amount for the Order within 5 business (banking) days or to replace the ordered item with another item of equal value solely at the Customer’s discretion.